Debian Project

A. Maitland Bottoms

Key Transition Plan...

At long last I'm following the trend to new, larger GPG keys. Many other Debian Developers made new keys about a year and a half ago, and I even generated my new 0x1F44E090 key almost a year ago. It has been safely stored all this time on a laptop disk that has only been in systems where I am the only user and it's stored on a disk partition protected by dm-crypt. A paper copy of the revocation certificate is stored in a safe place.

My old key, 0xDAF1054C has done well. Since there has been no trouble with it, I'll likely extend its expiration date soon. But since I haven't been involved in many big key signing parties at big conferences, I expect it won't be too hard to get more signatures on the new 0x1F44E090 key.

Before I send out an email to signers of my old key asking them to consider signing my new key (based upon my signing my new key with my old key), I want to make a few direct in-person key fingerprint exchanges and get some new signatures. I've got some nice cards to hand out with both key fingerprints on them.

Q: What's the aa4hs is the comment field about?

A: I hold a U.S. Amateur Radio station license with the callsign AA4HS. Hams often make use of a callsign in a way equivalent to a name. I figure it needs to be part of my GPG identity too.

Q: So..., A.?

A: Call me Maitland. (My father's first name is Albert, too.) You can call me Mait for short if you like. (on IRC: mait)

My 0xDAF1054C key (the old one):

your key id :

My 0x1F44E090 key (the new one):

your key id :

Encrypting email is good.
pub   4096R/1F44E090 2011-05-21
      Key fingerprint = 07CA 87DD C4C2 B062 40B6  B174 5041 F189 1F44 E090
uid                  A. Maitland Bottoms (aa4hs) <>
sub   4096R/FFC6F9B3 2011-05-21
You should be able to fetch that key from any of the major keyservers.

My early preview testing package repository

(at this time all my good new stuff has been uploaded to unstable)

This repo is for those who want to help testing and debugging.
Caution: if these packages were ready to use they would be uploaded to the main repository.
contents may have settled during shipping

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Last Modified: Fri, Dec 24 06:20:07 UTC 2010
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